Do I need a referral?

Yes, your GP or another specialist should provide you with a referral.

What do I bring to my first appointment?

Prior to arranging an appointment, our reception will ask you to send us the referral and to fill in the Patient Details form (for new patients). Any correspondence from other health professionals or recent investigations is also helpful.

Do I need a Health Fund to see a doctor at the SAGE Centre?

No. Health funds do not cover the expenses of initial out-of-hospital consultations. The benefits of a health fund is that it will generally cover some or all of the expenses associated with inpatient surgery. Both of our doctors do offer services in public hospitals for patients without private health insurance.

Do you provide obstetric care?

The SAGE Centre does not currently offer obstetric care, but we are very happy to refer you onto one of our trusted colleagues.

Where are the consulting rooms?

Our primary location is The SAGE Centre in Chatswood. Dr Sarah Choi and Dr Sam Daniels do also have individual consulting rooms located in Kogarah and the Northern Beaches. Please see our location details here.

What do I need to do before my operation?

All details for pre- and post-operative care will be explained to you. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our rooms. Our clinic nurse or practice manager will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.

Do you provide urgent appointments?

We will endeavour to see you as soon as possible. If something is very urgent, please let us know or ask your GP to contact us directly and we will arrange an emergency appointment for you.

What are the fees?

Please call or email our office at 1300 885 803 or info@thesagecentre.com.au for current consultation fees. As fees for surgery vary, these will be discussed individually.

Make An Appointment.

To make an appointment fill out the following form and we will be in touch, or contact us on 1300 885 803.